
However, vitamin B6 can do more than that: a sufficiently high supply of vitamin B6 helps to ensure that our cells do not react so strongly to steroid hormones (such as cortisol), as it alters the transcription (reading of genetic code) of the receptor.

Since Vitamin B6 is also needed in amino acid metabolism and fat metabolism, a sufficient supply of vitamin B6 should be ensured, especially with a high-protein diet.

Zinc helps to reduce itching and plays an important role in the regulation of the immune system, as it regulates the so-called cytokines (i.e. your inflammatory messengers) and thus also the histamine release.

Vitamin C . Der Vitamin C Stoffwechsel hat einige Besonderheiten, die wir dir hier kurz erklären wollen: zunächst einmal wird Vitamin C dosisabhängig aufgenommen, das heißt ab einer gewissen Schwellendosis (zumeist 200 mg) kann man nicht mehr 100% des Wirkstoffs aufnehmen. Ein höherer Anfangsspiegel soll dafür sorgen, dass das aufgenommene Vitamin C nicht nur in die Leber kommt, sondern dass für alle anderen Gewebe auch noch genug übrig bleibt.

The vitamin C is excreted by the kidneys during the day. This means that there would be nothing left at night. For a lasting supply of vitamin C, it makes sense to spread the intake of our capsules over the course of the day - for example, take one in the morning and one in the evening.

Glutathione is an important tripeptide that occurs in particularly high concentrations in our liver and is involved in many detoxification reactions. It renders hydrogen peroxide and free oxygen radicals harmless and participates in the regulation of the immune system.

As a peptide, however, it is already broken down into its components glycine, cysteine and glutamic acid in the intestine. So what is the point? Also in the intestinal lumen (i.e. exactly where the active ingredient goes with the capsule) many redox reactions take place for which glutathione is needed. Et voilà - we deliver it directly there.

Food supplements

Do not exceed the recommended daily intake. Food supplements are not a substitute for a balanced and varied diet.

Keep out of reach of children.


Store in a dry, cool place away from light. Keep away from heat and direct sunlight.


Packed in a light-protected PETPacker can - free of BPA.

What else can I do with a (suspected) histamine intolerance?

Most guidelines and the latest review by Hrubisko et al. (Nutrients 2021) recommend good medical monitoring to clearly establish the diagnosis (after all, other diseases such as intestinal inflammation can also cause similar symptoms) and to evaluate an accompanying drug therapy or nutritional therapy (e.g. low histamine diet) for you.

To help you find out which foods contain how much histamine, here is a link for you:

Histamine nutrition guide